Washington Highlands
Home Alterations
Home Exterior and Landscaping Alterations
The Covenants of the Washington Highlands require that the Board of the Washington Homes Association (WHA) review all plans and specifications and to equitably enforce the covenants and bylaws by which all homeowners are partners. The "Alteration Review Policies and Guidelines" document (see link below) is intended to guide Washington Highlands homeowners on how applications coming before the Board will be reviewed.

Alteration Review Policies and Guidelines

Exterior Alteration Request (EAR) Form

If you wish to submit an application to the Board for review, please print a copy of the "Alteration Review Policies and Guidelines" as well as the "Exterior Alteration Request Form" and provide the completed form to WHABoard1916+EAR@gmail.com and include 'EAR' in the email subject for consideration by the Board.
Tax Credits
The Wisconsin Historical Society's Division of Historic Preservation administers a program of 25-percent state income tax credits for repair and rehabilitation of historic homes in Wisconsin.  This program offers tax credits for work done on homes that are on the National Register or contribute to a historic neighborhood like the Highlands.   Click here for information on this program.

If you have any questions, please contact our board through the Contact Us page.